Mystery Readers come to surprise students at Garfield School. Family members and other staff come in to read. Thanks for promoting literacy across our community! #ReadAcrossAmerica

Garfield School welcomes Kearny community members to read for Read Across America. Guests included members of Kearny Fire Department, Kearny Police Officers, Kearny Board of Education Staff and Administrators, Kearny Public Librarians, Retired Kearny Educators, Kearny Mayor, Kearny Town Council Members, Hudson County Prosecutor, and more! Thanks for all our community members to taking the time out of their busy schedules and sharing their love of literacy with our students. #ReadAcrossAmerica

Garfield Schools students participated in school wide Book Trivia with Ms. Curry! Congratulations to the winners. They took home a book and a bookmark as a prize. #ReadAcrossAmerica

Garfield Schools students participated in school wide Book Bingo with Ms. Curry! Congratulations to the winners. They took home a book and a bookmark as a prize. #ReadAcrossAmerica

Congratulations to Garfield School's February Students of the Month!

Garfield School: Thank you to the Women's Club of Arlington for treating our teachers to a delicious treat for Read Across America Week!

⭐Attention Kearny School District families: The PreK 3 Lottery is now open! Log in to Lotterease to enter: https://lotterease.com/

Happy #ReadAcrossAmerica Week! 🎉 Join the nationwide celebration of literacy and grab a book to share with a young reader. Let's make reading a lifelong adventure!

Ms. Bespalko's PreK class concluded their camera study unit with a visit from a professional photographer - Garfield School's very own, Ariel Scarpa! Mrs. Scarpa showed the kids her camera, explained the parts and how it works, and even let the students use her camera to take a photo of a friend! The students loved this "celebration of learning" culminating activity and visitor experience. Thank you Ms. Ariel!

Our district data teams recently came together to present mid-year benchmark assessment results. Through collegial discussions, our team members analyzed student growth, highlighted key learning trends, and developed instruction strategies to support skill mastery.

Garfield School participated in Word Read Aloud Day on February 5th. Students and teachers tuned in to Scholastic Story Voice Live to listen to authors such as David Shannon and Pete Oswald.

Garfield School: Congratulations to our students for hitting the schoolwide attendance goal for 20 days! Students enjoyed a lunchtime dance party!

Garfield School: We have some "Kind Cookies" here at Garfield School! Congratulations to our February students for showing kindness!

We are pleased to share with you the latest edition of our Winter e-Newsletter! Catch our winter recap here: https://secure.smore.com/n/vf3re

Garfield School: Mr. Policano's 6th grade Social Studies students stepped back in time as they conducted a mock interview with Egypt's first-ever female Pharaoh, Hatshepsut! Through engaging questions and historical role-play, students brought ancient history to life while exploring Hatshepsut's incredible reign.

Garfield School: Garfield School celebrated Valentine’s Day in style with a festive Valentine’s Dance! Students enjoyed music, dancing, and fun, spreading love and friendship throughout the event!

Garfield School: Students were recognized for their hard work and dedication during the Pencils for Positives Awards Assembly celebrating the 2nd marking period. Awards were presented for academic excellence, outstanding character, and perfect attendance, honoring those who have demonstrated commitment and perseverance. Congratulations to all the students for their achievements! Keep up the great work!

Garfield School: The Superstar Character Academy came to Garfield School today! It is an interactive assembly where students learn about good character, becoming leaders, being honest, respecting adults, and being fair. Not only did our students have a good time participating but we had our very own Mr. Schalago and Dr. Mazurkiewicz show us their dance moves!

Happy 100 days of School from Garfield School!

Garfield School: Second graders reading independently.